Day 1
- Creative philosophy: how to find your sound by not making music.
- The creation process. Inside and outside the studio.
- Songwriting and structure of songs - Using one of my tracks to show how it was all built.
Day 2
- Experimentation, how to think outside the box
- Lyrical writing: From concept to lyric
- Adding emotion to the words: how to have a proper hook whilst retaining depth.
- Creative philosophy: how to find your sound by not making music.
- The creation process. Inside and outside the studio.
- Songwriting and structure of songs - Using one of my tracks to show how it was all built.
Day 2
- Experimentation, how to think outside the box
- Lyrical writing: From concept to lyric
- Adding emotion to the words: how to have a proper hook whilst retaining depth.
Coloray on the web: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Soundcloud | Spotify